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Meet the team of Photographers

Below is each of the photographers that are employed at Shecktor Photography
Anna Renee
Anna Renee
Anna was born and raised in Hatfield Pa until 2015. She then moved to Berwick Pa in October of 2015 where she founded Shecktor Photography in the summer of 2009. She has since grown the business to include the following types of photography: Cosplay, wedding, engagement, couple, portrait, fashion, maternity, and parent(s)/child. In winter of 2016 she moved to the Lancaster Pa area where she married her husband of two years and is expecting her first child in Spring of 2019.
Attending Conventions: Katsucon, Zenkaikon, Colossalcon East
Photos by Caitlyn Robbins
Photos by Caitlyn Robbins
Bruce Wayne
Bruce Wayne
A PA based photographer, Bruce is the only one of the three photographers to have attended college in the field of photography and graphic design. This isn't to say the other two photographers including the CEO are not highly skilled at their craft. Bruce mainly focuses on Cosplay and non-cosplay related photographer. He does not however, currently photograph animals or nature.
Attending Conventions: Katsucon, Zenkaikon, Colossalcon East
Attended Conventions: Colossalcon, Thygeekdomcon
Photos by Anna Renee
Caitlyn Robbins
Caitlyn Robbins
The third and final photographer for Shecktor Photography resides in Berwick, PA. She's also the youngest of the three photographers. Her portfolio does not currently include Cosplay photography. However, she does have high quality photos of single non-cosplay clients. Her portfolio is also not as extensive as that of Anna or Bruce.
Attending Conventions: Zenkaikon
Photos by Anna Renee
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